
Carrie Underwood Official News

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Carrie Underwood, Mike Fisher jet off to honeymoon

After three days of knocking on doors -- literal and figurative -- being escorted off private property, being bombarded by gossip, rumours and innuendo, there's really only one thing we know for sure about the celebrity wedding of the year: Carrie and Mike Fisher got on a private jet at the Greene County Regional Airport at 10:35 a.m. Sunday, July 11.

I report this with certainty because I witnessed the event with my own eyes -- or almost. It wasn't until I saw the close-ups of the pictures Citizen photographer Chris Mikula took that I could confirm those two figures were really the newlyweds.

I could see she was smiling, wearing short-shorts with a striped tank (or possibly T-shirt), topped with a loose white shirt, for lack of a better descriptor.

Her hair was up, her feet were in flat sandals.

He was wearing a ball cap -- surprise, surprise -- and, well, some other clothes. (Frankly, no one really cares what Mike was wearing.)

I know that their grey GMC SUV-style vehicle was escorted by two cars from the sheriff's office and that the motorcade drove right up to the plane's gangway.

At this point, I am only willing to vouch for something I've personally witnessed when it comes to the Underwood-Fisher wedding, the security of which would put G20 organizers to shame.

But here's what else we've heard happened at -- or around, or near -- the wedding, in order of descending reliability.

We believe that Mike and Carrie were on their way to Los Angeles, because the Internet flight schedule showed a plane scheduled to leave the private Georgia airport for L.A. at 1:15 p.m Sunday. But as soon as the Fishers' plane took off, that flight's departure time was "corrected" to 11:05 a.m., destination still L.A. No idea where they went after that, although Underwood has said earlier that her new husband was planning the honeymoon.

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