If there was ever a place to have a secret celebrity wedding, Greensboro, Ga., must surely be it. Or more specifically, the Ritz-Carlton Lodge at the Reynolds Plantation.
That’s the apparently spectacular resort where Ottawa’s “it couple” are tying the knot today, ending weeks of speculation about where the nuptials might take place. The ceremony is set for 5:30 this afternoon, according to some reports, though others say the ceremony will take place earlier.
I say “apparently” not because I don’t believe the spectacular part. Surely web photos do not lie! It’s just that I haven’t been able to get a glimpse of the joint.
In trying to drive around the property’s perimeter, we discovered not only that it’s massive — perhaps as big as 10,000 acres — but also that it’s surrounded by woods so thick they fully mask any hint of the five-star splendour within.
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